Javascript Tree Menu

Frameless Layout For Treeview with Highlighting

This demo is based on the TreeView: Frameless Layout demo. For information about frameless layout configurations, see that demo.

Two options are being shown here:

  • The selected-node highlight (HIGHLIGHT) option.
  • The opening of the tree with all branches expanded (STARTALLOPEN).

These variables can be configured independently of each other. They also work just as well with frame-based layouts. They are only being set together here for the purposes of this demonstration.

Note how clicking on nodes that are themselves connected to pages (such as Unites States) highlights the text of the node. Clicking on the +/- sign or on a node that does not load a page (such as Europe) does not highlight it.

Note also that, in the case of this demo, the page loads with all nodes visible. Some webmasters prefer it that way. This is not recommended for very large trees.